Boštjan BURGER, IT specialist
- IT specialist
Slovenian Museum of Natural History
Department of Vertebrate Zoology
Prešernova 20, p.p. 290, SI – 1001 Ljubljana, Slovenija
T: (01) 241 09 69
F: (01) 241 09 53
Matic CENTA, Curator - intern
- Curator – intern
Slovenian Museum of Natural History
Department of Vertebrate Zoology
Prešernova 20, p.p. 290, SI – 1001 Ljubljana, Slovenija
T: (01) 241 09 57
F: (01) 241 09 53
Matjaž ČERNILA, Conservation and Restoration Technician
- Conservation and Restoration Technician
Slovenian Museum of Natural History
Technical Maintenance services
Prešernova 20, p.p. 290, SI – 1001 Ljubljana, Slovenija
T: (01) 241 09 63
F: (01) 241 09 53
Researcher No.: /
Complete bibliography
Darko FEKONJA, SCOP technician
- SCOP technician
Slovenian Museum of Natural History
Technical Maintenance services
Prešernova 20, p.p. 290, SI – 1001 Ljubljana, Slovenija
T: (01) 241 09 64
F: (01) 241 09 53
Work description
- Ringing activity, Slovenian Center for Bird Ringing-SCOP
Researcher No.: /
Complete bibliography
Doroteja FON, Curator – intern
Andrej GOGALA, Ph. D., Museum Adviser

Photo: Jasna Šporar
- Museum Adviser
Slovenian Museum of Natural History
Department of Vertebrate Zoology
Prešernova 20, p.p. 290, SI – 1001 Ljubljana, Slovenija
T: (01) 241 09 59
F: (01) 241 09 53
- Biologist
- Doctor of Biological Sciences
Work description
- Maintenance of the collections of the Department of Invertebrate Zoology (entomological collections)
- Editor of museum’s publication ACTA ENTOMOLOGICA SLOVENICA
- Faunistics, Ecology, Sociobiology of Bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) and fauniostics of Heteroptera (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) of Slovenia.
Prizes and Awards
- Valvasor Award for Outstanding Achievements – for exhibition Our Little Big Sea, 2016 (all recipients of the award: Breda Činč Juhant, Ph.D., Andrej Gogala, Ph.D., Alenka Jamnik, Mojca Jernejc Kodrič, Miha Jeršek, Ph.D., Urška Kačar, Tea Knapič, Matija Križnar, M.A., Boris Kryštufek, Ph.D., Špela Pungaršek, Staša Tome, Ph.D., Ljerka Trampuž, Tomi Trilar, Ph.D. and Al Vrezec, Ph.D.)
- GOGALA, Andrej, ALJANČIČ, Marko, GOGALA, Matija, SIVEC, Ignac. Žuželke : uspešnost množičnosti. Ljubljana: Prirodoslovni muzej Slovenije, 1992. 71 str.
- GOGALA, Andrej, ALJANČIČ, Marko, GOGALA, Matija, SIVEC, Ignac. Insects : the flourishing multitudes, (Entomologia slovenica). English ed. Ljubljana: Prirodoslovni muzej Slovenije: = Slovene Museum of Natural History, 1994. 70 str.
- GOGALA, Andrej, TRILAR, Tomi, BOŽIČ, Ivo, KRYŠTUFEK, Boris, MLINAR, Ciril, PRAPROTNIK, Nada, ŠERE, Dare, TOME, Staša, TOME, Davorin, ČELIK, Tatjana, GROBELNIK, Vesna, PIRNAT, Aljoša, POBOLJŠAJ, Katja, SELIŠKAR, Andrej, VEROVNIK, Rudi, BEDJANIČ, Matjaž, GREGORI, Janez, LEŠNIK, Aleksandra, MIHELIČ, Tomaž. Narava Slovenije, Ljubljansko barje in Iška : [razstavni katalog]. Ljubljana: Prirodoslovni muzej, 2001. 67 str.
- BEDJANIČ, Matjaž, ČINČ JUHANT, Breda, DENAC, Damijan, GOGALA, Andrej, GOMBOC, Stanislav, GREGORI, Janez, KALIGARIČ, Mitja, KALIGARIČ, Simona, KRYŠTUFEK, Boris, BEDJANIČ, Mojca, POBOLJŠAJ, Katja, POVŽ, Meta, SELIŠKAR, Andrej, SIVEC, Ignac, TOME, Staša, TRILAR, Tomi, URBANEK, Janko, VEROVNIK, Rudi, VREZEC, Al, ŽAGAR, Vinko, BABIJ, Valerija, ČARNI, Andraž, VREŠ, Branko, BUCHNER, Peter, HORVAT, Bogdan, JENČIČ, Samo, JERŠEK, Miha, KOLARIČ, Darko, POLAK, Slavko, PRESETNIK, Primož. Narava Slovenije, Mura in Prekmurje. Ljubljana: Prirodoslovni muzej Slovenije, 2002. 88 str.
- GOGALA, Andrej. Kamen, voda, sonce in veter : narava Krasa in slovenske Istre, (Narava Slovenije). Ljubljana: Prirodoslovni muzej Slovenije, 2003. 176 str.
- GOGALA, Andrej, TRILAR, Tomi, BOŽIČ, Ivo A., KRYŠTUFEK, Boris, MLINAR, Ciril, PRAPROTNIK, Nada, ŠERE, Dare, TOME, Staša, TOME, Davorin, ČELIK, Tatjana, GROBELNIK, Vesna, PIRNAT, Aljoša, POBOLJŠAJ, Katja, SELIŠKAR, Andrej, VEROVNIK, Rudi, BEDJANIČ, Matjaž, GREGORI, Janez, LEŠNIK, Aleksandra, MIHELIČ, Tomaž. Narava Slovenije, Ljubljansko barje in Iška [razstavni katalog]. 1. ponatis. Ljubljana: Prirodoslovni muzej Slovenije, 2008. 67 str.
- GRAD, Janez, GOGALA, Andrej, KOZMUS, Peter, JENIČ, Aljaž, BEVK, Danilo. Pomembni in ogroženi opraševalci : čmrlji v Sloveniji. Lukovica: Čebelarska zveza Slovenije, 2010. 123 str.
Researcher No: 14006
Anita HUKAREVIĆ, Business Secretary and Payroll Clerk
- Business Secretary and Payroll Clerk
Slovenian Museum of Natural History
Prešernova 20, p.p. 290, SI – 1001 Ljubljana, Slovenija
T: (01) 241 09 40
F: (01) 241 09 53
Work description
- office work for the needs of the entire museum
Alenka JAMNIK, Librarian Specialist

Photo: Ciril Mlinar
- Librarian Specialist
Slovenian Museum of Natural History
Museum Library
Prešernova 20, p.p. 290, SI – 1001 Ljubljana, Slovenija
T: (01) 241 09 44
F: (01) 241 09 53
- Geologist
Work description
- Management of the library by one librarian (KEK-ec)
- Maintenance and editing of the book collection of the Museum Special Library
- Professional processing of book materials (COBISS, own databases)
- Entries of bibliographies of colleagues and preparation of bibliography printouts
- Preparation of exhibitions, popularization of natural science book material, publication of articles, search for information, etc.
Prizes and Awards
- Valvasor Award for Outstanding Achievements – for exhibition Our Little Big Sea, 2016 (all recipients of the award: Breda Činč Juhant, Ph.D., Andrej Gogala, Ph.D., Alenka Jamnik, Mojca Jernejc Kodrič, Miha Jeršek, Ph.D., Urška Kačar, Tea Knapič, Matija Križnar, M.A., Boris Kryštufek, Ph.D., Špela Pungaršek, Staša Tome, Ph.D., Ljerka Trampuž, Tomi Trilar, Ph.D. and Al Vrezec, Ph.D.)
- KRIŽNAR, Matija (avtor, fotograf), JAMNIK, Alenka. Triasna ostriga nad Podbelo. Proteus, ISSN 0033-1805, mar. 2013, letn. 75, št. 7, str. 322-323, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 1213685
- JAMNIK, Alenka (avtor, fotograf). Geološko knjižno gradivo v knjižnici Prirodoslovnega muzeja Slovenije. Konkrecija, ISSN 2232-5581, april 2012, št. 1, str. 85-87, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 1118197]
- JAMNIK, Alenka. Geološki dragulji v knjižnici Prirodoslovnega muzeja Slovenije in digitalizacija. Geološki zbornik, ISSN 0352-3802, 2013, 22, str. 46-47. [COBISS.SI-ID 1204469]
- JAMNIK, Alenka (avtor, fotograf). Geologija Kamniških in Savinjskih Alp : Alenka Jamnik. V: GOLNAR, Tone, MOROJNA, Silvij, POLLAK, Bojan. Plezalni vodnik, Kamniške in Savinjske Alpe, Kamniška Bistrica. 3., popravljena in razširjena izd. Ljubljana: Planinska zveza Slovenije, 2012, str. 28-37, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 1135605]
- JAMNIK, Alenka (avtor razstave). Knjižni zakladi v Prirodoslovnem muzeju Slovenije : Prirodoslovni muzej Slovenije, 20.12. 2013 – 30. 1. 2014, vitrina četrtletja. Ljubljana: Prirodoslovni muzej Slovenije, 20. 12. 2013 do 30. 1. 2014. [COBISS.SI-ID 1278965]
Researcher No: 24080
Scientific bibliography
Complete bibliography
Mojca JERNEJC KODRIČ, Museum Adviser, Head of the Department of Vertebrate Zoology
Miha JERŠEK, Ph.D., Museum Councillor, Director
Urška KAČAR, Curator
(Currently absent)
Katarina KADIVEC, Curator - intern
- Curator – intern
Slovenian Museum of Natural History
Department of Geology
Prešernova 20, p.p. 290
SI-1001 Ljubljana
T: (01) 241 09 56
F: (01) 241 09 53
Tea KNAPIČ, Curator, Head of Department of Invertebrate Zoology
Matej (Matija) KRIŽNAR, M.A., Museum Adviser, Head of the Department of Geology
prof. dr. Boris KRYŠTUFEK, Museum Adviser
David KUNC, museum technician
- museum technician
Slovenian Museum of Natural History
Technical department
Prešernova 20, p.p. 290, SI – 1001 Ljubljana, Slovenija
T: (01) 241 09 61
F: (01) 241 09 53
Work description
- photographic (and video) documentation of objects, exhibitions and events
- participation in exhibitions
- working with museum objects, helping the curator
Špela PUNGARŠEK, Curator, Head of Botany Department
Jurij REKELJ, conservation and restoration technician
- conservation and restoration technician
Slovenian Museum of Natural History
Technical Department
Prešernova 20, p.p. 290, SI – 1001 Ljubljana, Slovenija
T: (01) 241 09 63
F: (01) 241 09 53
Borut TOME, independent conservation and restoration technician, head of the technical department
- independent conservation and restoration technician
- head of the Technical Department
Slovenian Museum of Natural History
Technical Department
Prešernova 20, p.p. 290, SI – 1001 Ljubljana, Slovenija
T: (01) 241 09 67
F: (01) 241 09 53
Researcher No.: /
Staša TOME, Ph.D.,
museum councilor, deputy director, head of the Public Relations Department
Tomi Trilar, Ph.D., Museum Councillor
Jernej UHAN, conservation and restoration technician
- conservation and restoration technician (currently absent)
Slovenian Museum of Natural History
Technical Department
Prešernova 20, p.p. 290, SI – 1001 Ljubljana, Slovenija
T: (01) 241 09 68
F: (01) 241 09 53
Researcher No.: /
Complete bibliography
Klemen VIDMAR, head accountant
- head accountant
Slovenian Museum of Natural History
Prešernova 20, p.p. 290, SI – 1001 Ljubljana, Slovenija
T: (01) 241 09 52
F: (01) 241 09 53
Assoc. dr. Al VREZEC, museum consultant, head of the Slovenian Bird Ringing Center
Klemen ZAVRŠNIK, independent professional
- independent professional
Slovenian Museum of Natural History
Juliana Alpine Botanical Garden
Prešernova 20, p.p. 290, SI – 1001 Ljubljana, Slovenija
T: (01) 241 09 40
F: (01) 241 09 53
Researcher No.: /
Complete bibliographya