Photo: Pertti Saurola
Museum Adviser
Slovenian Museum of Natural History
Department of Vertebrate Zoology
Prešernova 20, p.p. 290, SI – 1001 Ljubljana, Slovenija
T: (01) 241 09 58
F: (01) 241 09 53
- Biologist
- Doctor of Biological Sciences
Work description
- Maintenance of collections of the Department of Vertebrate Zoology (Collection of birds)
- Professional management of the Slovenian Centre for Ringing of birds
- biology and ecology research of owls, particularly the Ural (Strix uralensis), tawny owl (Strix aluco) and boreal owl (Aegolius funereus)
- In agreement with the Slovenian Museum of Natural History lecturer at the university where (among other things) the institution and the lecturers Ornithology at the Bologna Master’s degree program Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana
Prizes and Awards
- 2001: Zlati legat AWARD 2000 for the best work in the field of ornithology in Slovenia (according to the DOPPS)
- 2005: Zlati legat AWARD 2004 for the best work in the field of ornithology in Slovenia (according to the DOPPS)
- 2009: Zlati legat AWARD 2007 for the best work in the field of ornithology in Slovenia (according to the DOPPS)
- Valvasor Award for Outstanding Achievements – for exhibition Our Little Big Sea, 2016 (all recipients of the award: Breda Činč Juhant, Ph.D., Andrej Gogala, Ph.D., Alenka Jamnik, Mojca Jernejc Kodrič, Miha Jeršek, Ph.D., Urška Kačar, Tea Knapič, Matija Križnar, M.A., Boris Kryštufek, Ph.D., Špela Pungaršek, Staša Tome, Ph.D., Ljerka Trampuž, Tomi Trilar, Ph.D. and Al Vrezec, Ph.D.)
Researcher No: 21502
Scientific bibliography
Complete bibliography