The diorama, reconstructed in 2018, depicts Ljubljansko barje at the turn of the 19th century, when its original set up was created. It calls our attention to the changing and disappearing of this raised bog as our ancestors knew it. In the distant past, a lake spread in this area which, however, gradually turned into a swamp and later into a bog. In some places, the layers of peat were even up to nine metres thick. Owing to land draining and economic exploitation of peat, the landscape changed completely in the late 19th century. The swamp and bog were replaced by a cultural landscape with an interlacement of fields and wet meadows, demarcated by belts of trees and bushes. This also led to the disappearance of some animal and plant species and the establishment of new ones, better adapted to the given conditions. Beavers and pink pelicans used to live in and on the shallow lake, while the swamp was later inhabited by bitterns, little bitterns and various ducks.

In the period depicted by the diorama, corncrakes, short-eared owls and curlews bred in wet meadows, the same as lesser grey shrikes in bushes and trees. Recently, the intensive agriculture with the use of pesticides, manuring of meadow land and frequent mowing has brought these species to the brink of extinction, while some, such as the lesser grey shrike and the short-eared owl, simply no longer breed here. Despite this, some rare and endangered species can still be seen at Ljubljansko barje, such as the butterfly false ringlet, the grasshopper Adriatic marbled bush-cricket and the plant snake’s head fritillary. The recently established Ljubljansko barje Landscape Park gives us hope that we shall preserve this area of truly exceptional natural and cultural heritage for our future generations.

Moors are covered with slow-growing peat mosses. Their lower parts do not rot but carbonize and turn into peat. The layers of peat are then getting slowly but persistently thicker. Until the plants retain their contact with groundwater, this is a fen, but when peat considerably heaps up, the plants can live only on precipitation with an insignificant quantity of nutrients. This is why only the species distinctly adapted to this extreme environment thrive here. In the distant past, the greater part of Ljubljansko barje was covered by raised bog, which was considered the southernmost in Europe.

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